Providing funding support to community based fish hatchery operations since 2013.

Apply for Funding

CHP funding will be allocated to hatcheries to help cover general operating expenses. General operating expenses are those costs that are annually re-occurring or essential for hatchery operations.

Every community hatchery who meets the eligibility requirements will receive CHP Funding.


CHP Fish Stocking

Community hatcheries stock millions of fish each year to help rehabilitate native species populations and to maintain or enhance angling opportunities through put-grow-take fish stockings.

Fish are stocked at different development life stages depending on the species and the fish stocking objectives.


Community hatcheries not only raise public fish for public waters, they get communities engaged in fisheries management and other conservation issues. 

If you are interested in getting involved with or visiting a local community hatchery this is the section to help you find hatchery contact information and locations.

"Public Fish for Public Waters"

Hatcheries are volunteer based allowing community members the opportunity to care for their local rivers and lakes.



Volunteer Hours

* Statistics are from 2023 season.


Matt Burley
Community Hatchery Program Coordinator
Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters
PO Box 2800
4601 Guthrie Drive
Peterborough, ON      K9J 8L5

Phone: 705-748-6324 Ext. 247
Fax: 705-748-9577


Want to volunteer?

Use the map below to locate a hatchery near you (click on the fish icon for hatchery details)

Note: These are just relative locations of each hatchery. To obtain actual locations please contact community hatcheries directly.

If the contact information is incomplete for any hatchery that you would like to contact, please contact the Community Hatchery Program Coordinator.